Defragmenting the Arsenal of Work
Work is an indispensable moral craving of people to compensate the struggles of earning a better and satisfying life. Say, for example, people work their fingers to the bone for survival, which could be their motive in one color, another picture could be for painting their life in the brightest colors, such as finding a white-collar job rather than daft-handed works. There is the reward that builds the bridge between pain and pleasure, of course rights and duties are interconnected into a web called justice. But how does justice reward pain and pleasure? It is psychologically mandated to the highest level of abstraction that justice works to maintain the equilibrium of 'hedonism' over the elated struggle to maximize the aversion of pain towards life's adversities.
Hedonism is an insignia of pleasant things or material cravings of people to kill the opportune chances of reality. Also in philosophy, it is the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. Somehow we could get out of this rut by merely contemplating how justice leads us to a workable condition practicing the right amount of social mobility and rational demeanour professed in full Monty of ourselves.
In my rivulets of thoughts, the defragmentation of the arsenal of work is pure ethics and its unjustly mean feat is hedonism. Nothing on earth and nothing more.
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