HOW many lonely hearts crave for love? How many lucky hearts stay the same? We don't know how sweet and sour love can be. Just asking questions- answer me. On the 14th day of February, let's be merry as a cricket even if we're such lone wolves in the hood. It is not a perfect day to have a romantic date with your partner or be back once again to your old flame's arms. It is the hey-day of sharing sentiments in silence as it speaks louder than spoken words. Remember the song 'When you say nothing at all,' it is sweet because love moves in mysterious ways but sometimes sourness prevails when cold and numb is the heart for communication.
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Distance is the measure, however, of how far love digs relationships in its true colors. It is a helter-skelter move to be romantic at all times and its an insignia that love don't experience war. Love is war on the leeway to a sweet victory. Sweetness shapes the foundation of a jocund relationship, but sourness challenges that relationship to step up to the plate of time.
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There are sweet and sour valentines served to different customers in different weather condition. But I still wanna know how many lonely hearts crave for love?... how many lucky hearts stay the same? We don't know how sweet and sour love can be. Just asking questions- answer me.
as much as i'd like to answer you, im sorry but i wouldnt know.. but i do believe that valentines isnt just for lovers, since ive been allowed to go out ive been celebrating valentine's day with friends, and before I was allowed to, i celebrated it with my parents, i love valentine's, i love seeing flowers, reed, evrything red, evrybody merry, it creates a wonderful ambience of closeness, not just lovers but friends and family as well.. if you have no plans for next year, your welcome to join us... have a nice day!
We shouldn't focus Valentines just for couples that we forgotten that this day was created to share a meaningful and heartfelt appreciation to all the important people in our life, not just for lovers… Making them feel on how special they are to us.
You will feel sour valentines if you focus yourself with the idea that you should celebrate it with someone very special like your girlfriend or boyfriend. But if you try to look at it as a day were you can spend it with your love ones like your family and friends for sure it will be a meaningful one. Then you can actually say that your valentines is sweet and not sour... hahaha!
I believe that valentines are not for lovers only. All I know valentines are for everyone. I understand that you would want to spend it with someone special to you but if you will look on the other side you could make your valentines a better one. I as well once believed that valentines should be celebrated by couples. Then I realized that this occasion is also being celebrated with friends and family. I was very happy when I got the chance to celebrate it with them. It was a different kind of feeling celebrating it with you loved ones. Ld, it doesn’t matter if you have a special someone to share valentines with. What matters the most is that you know the essence of it.
hi, i did not know and expect that you will be writing something about love and valentines day. maybe, because i am thinking that you are a very serious person who doesn't have any time to talk about love and valentines. we ll, i guess the sweet valentines will be for those people who have a very sweet relationship with their loved ones and who are always happy with their lives. and sour valentines for those who are very sad in their relationships just like those poeple who are alwasy broken hearted and who are always being failures in their love life. but no matter what happen, each must be happy, whether he is single or not every Valentines day because this is the right moment to express everyone's love and appreciation for all what have happened for the whole time.
I have to agree with Rendy, Michelle and the rest of the people who posted a comment for this blog. Valentines day is not only for couples but as well as for friends, families and anyone you have shared and given your love. Group dates are now rampant and I guess the more people you celebrate the Love month the more happier you get, for you have shared it to many.
To tell you the truth, I’m one of those lonely hearts. I have to let go of someone because that’s what I think is the best thing to do. But, I’m not craving for love. You know why?…because thou were separated our love still exist, we still show care to each other. I have my friends and my family who comfort me when I’m crying. In a relationship, there are times that you feel so happy, it seems you’re the only couple existing in this world. But most of the time, you feel the pain of sadness that slowly breaks you into pieces. That’s normal. That’s pat of what they called love. To answer your questions, my answer “there are no lonely hearts craving for love and there are many lucky hearts remain the same”.
Love can be better explained through poetry. However, love, no matter how you write it, transcends beyond writing of high quality, intensity or profound insight. One does not need to be an expert to talk about love. Love is experienced by all human beings.
When we love, we learn to be responsible. We learn how to be good. I speak of love based on my own concept. Although sometimes I admit, I transgress the limit. I tend to overlook so many things. Love is really sweet and sour. It can even be bitter at times. But what’s important is the practice of love.
PS: Pare, I admire you for your intelligence and unconventional view on many things. Your love for poetry makes you even more exceptional. Thanks for your help when I missed classes in Soft Pack. I wish you all the best in your endeavors!
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