Conversations on medicine filled the atmosphere with room temperature of scientific interrogation and scientific matter only. This was the first time that pharmaceutical revelation delivered
itself with fruits of knowledge and experience of the speaker sharing her thoughts and relationship in dealing and handling medical practitioners. All have their pouches opened to queries, even illogical ones were restored to make a big splash, that in my opinion, must be kept unasked. Damn if this will be the flow, I won't be listening and just play my guitar instead! Anyway, the topic was quite interesting but audience didn't love it back. As much as I would like to say something about medicine and the colloquium, I'd just feel the motion of love and cognizance.
The colloquium was unprepared.
The colloquium was good.
The colloquium was informative.
The colloquium was suave.
The colloquium was tedious.
The colloquium was them.
The colloquium might hate me.
The colloquium was the colloquium.
The colloquium, there was.
There was a colloquium.
Well, I don’t know if I would feel grateful for not attending the said colloquium or not. I know I should’ve been there to learn something about the topic. But unfortunately, I needed to home that time because of some urgent things to comply with. Anyway, as I was reading your blog entry, I felt that there were some annoying things (if I’m not mistaken) that happened during the colloquium. I’m just wondering why you chose to name your article as “There Was a CALL-LOW-QUIUM”. It sounds so bitter (I’m sorry for the word.
Ld I don't agree to what you have said. Cause for me even though the room was not set-up the speaker did really a great job. For me it was a fun colloquim cause our classmates really did participate in the dicussion. :-)
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